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There is much to like and admire about the same director Marcus Nispel remake of Conan the Barbarian, but it's the biggest mistake from the start, when he tries to introduce us to the nature of the title as a kid of 13. This is not the boy who is the problem or even the scenes they have written for him to be in. It is well designed pieces of bloody character development, rooted in another of these representations underestimated, we used to get Ron Perlman as Conan's father. We learn all about the man, Conan will grow up to be scenes, except that when the film suddenly flashes forward to the adult version of the character played by Jason Momoa heaviliy muscular, it seems like a completely different person.

Of course, the small and large capacity Conan Conan is fighting the same terrible, but any resemblance to Kid starts and ends there. As soon as we flash forward Conan as a fully formed person, there really is no connective tissue between the two versions you see the sign. The film tries to solve some of the random arrangement, narration, Morgan Freeman, but rather that connects the two parts of the movie cut together, takes only the second part, as if the narration was in another, a third version of the character of Conan.

It 'a problem with Conan the Barbarian is suffering for a lifetime. Much of the film feels fragmentary, as in a movie where things happen and you are left to sort the rubble and find out what's going on. Fortunately, even if it is not built quite flowing, what happens to the balls.

They do not make films like this more. Conan the Barbarian is almost as brave, bloody and barbaric as the original film. It is a feat that could have sworn that he could not simply have a modern day political correctness. Of course, it goes as far as Schwarzenegger film, and many of the CGI looks pretty fake blood, but it goes far enough in the world of brutality and insane drive to win the R word "barbarian" in title. Normally I'm not a crazy big for this kind of thing, but it's a Conan movie. The barbarity has to come with the territory, or what is about to do?

Jason Momoa is very good too. It is not Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I kind of miss the version of the character who almost never speaks, but pulls out Momoa grunting barbarians and his good looks while swinging around a sword. It is vicious and brutal, and so is Marcus Nispel film.

Moreover, Conan has some good ideas. New ideas. It is not just a rehash of the total film you saw in the '80s, the script they used a brisk walk with a couple of particularly smart additions that really make this attempt to revive the franchise really sentence. Some of it is stupid and results in buildings collapsing for no other reason than to increase the tension, but a lot of it is good. If only they 'd found a better way to connect everything together.

Even the rough and slightly disheveled, Conan the Barbarian is a tough enough and brutal enough that it is definitely worth a look. Marcus Nispel to shoot part of a brutal history of the battle, and if only someone would find a way to close the cracks in the narrative, then perhaps it would be something special.

For in-depth analysis of the 3D version Barbarian Conan


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